What are the emotional problems of children?

In today's challenging world, children are facing a lot of stress and psychological and social problems in their daily life. Unlike earlier times, today the status of joint families has changed and families have become separate islands. The trend of both mother and father entering the world of work is increasing today, thus increasing the chances of psychological stress for children.

Apr 2, 2023 - 11:01
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What are the emotional problems of children?

Some babies are born with birth defects. This situation will cause different stress in their life. However, some other children face difficulties due to different personal family, economic and social factors. How they face these crises will determine their next step in life.

Some children cope successfully with their stressors with the support of their parents. However, unfortunately, in some children, these stressors cause a lot of damage. These stressors among children may come from the family, school, community or a combination of more than one. Not all of these complications are considered serious illnesses. However, these disruptions affect children's growth and development stages, daily lifestyle and learning activities. It turns out to be a factor that can have adverse consequences in their future life.

What is congestion?

  Psychologists have examined conflict from different angles and put forward various explanations. Stress is usually experienced as the physical and emotional changes that occur when children are faced with a new environment or problem. As a result of the crisis, they do not know how to react to the new environment. As a result, many psychological problems such as fear, anxiety, depression, etc. begin to occur among them.

This type of crowding is mainly divided into two types.

1.Normal constrictions

2.Mass bottlenecks

Normal bottlenecks.

  Normal stress refers to the stress experienced by minor changes in daily life.


  • Moving from the house you live in to a new place. During this time, facing a kind of emotional distress until you get used to the new place, new people, and new environment.
  • Insomnia when changing sleeping position. Thus facing emotional distress.
  • Travel fatigue and discomforts on the way during long journeys are normal stressors.
  • Children who are constantly studying under the same teacher in school face a kind of psychological crisis when the teacher suddenly changes.
  •   Thus in daily life children face small psychological disturbances. These are normal stressors. As the child adapts to the situation, the stressor will subside.

  Massive bottlenecks

  These are not like normal emotional stress but very serious stress. These are dangerous to the extent of spawning massive mental illnesses.

  An example is being traumatized by witnessing a major accident or calamity and suffering from anxiety in the fear of the same happening again.

  • Being directly affected by child abuse and thereby suffering long-term psychological damage.
  • Emotional trauma caused by loss of parents or loved ones.
  • Physical and mental stress caused by suffering from deadly diseases.
  • Massive mental stress can be listed as psychological stress caused by being continuously affected by domestic violence.
  • Thus, the factors that cause stress can occur from all levels such as family, school, society.

For example, many children today are abused by intimate partners.

  • Effects of stress.

As a result of stress caused by different factors, anxiety, fear, tension, depression and anger will occur. This results in muscle stiffness and remains under the control of the autonomic nervous system. Due to this, physical problems like muscle pain, headache, chest pain etc. will occur in many parts of the body. These again cause anxiety and tension. Thus it is happening continuously. Likewise, children who are under stress may change from being normal to behaving abnormally. Their thoughts will change. Different thoughts appear in their hearts, sometimes they turn into cruel thoughts.

Likewise, as a result of these thoughts, there will be a massive change in their emotional expressions. As a result, they create relationship problems with their surrounding family members and friends.

Also these distractions lead them to wrong decisions.

For example, even in our country today, many young school children have committed suicide. The reason for this is this mental tension that affected them.

It has been observed in the past that exam failures and stress caused by adverse interactions resulting from the use of telephones are the cause of these. In addition, chronic stress can continue to cut off the afferent nerve block. It affects the immune system of the body. As a result, their heart rate is increased, breathing rate is increased, asthma, ulcer, appendicitis, stomach flu, vomiting, skin inflammatory diseases like eczema will occur.

Therefore, it is important for parents and teachers to be very careful about stress in children.

When there is any change in the behavior of the children, it is necessary to closely observe the change in the behavior and find out the reasons for it.

Methods of dealing with mentally disturbed children.

  It is necessary for parents and teachers to deal with special methods to identify the children who are in crisis and bring them out of that situation. Psychologists have devised various approaches to this. When dealing with these methods, appropriate support activities should be carried out considering the mental maturity, environment, and behavior of the child who is in crisis. Such activities are called normalization methods. That is, the normalization method is beyond the learning and teaching activities to work with the child by helping the child to act independently and to achieve a balanced emotional balance in the child. It is also an action to develop good behavior.

  These can be categorized as follows.

  • Listening

 Listening is the most fundamental factor in reducing anxiety in children. It is a great way to deal with stress not only in children but also in adults. If a neutral adult listens to a child's complaint with care and concern, the stress that has affected the child will be reduced by half.

  In general, children can make a huge difference in the world when they are respected, listened to, and welcomed.

  • Social conflict resolution.

  Another factor that causes stress among children is conflict at home and at school. When conflicts persist, they can lead to long-term tensions. Therefore one should try to bring about harmony between the conflicting parties by using appropriate methods very carefully. This will give the children a chance to gain peace of mind.

  •   Guidance on managing anger properly
      Anger is another major cause of emotional disturbance in children. Some children appear to be temperamental by nature. Their anger can cause distress not only to children but also to those around them. Such children can be guided to control their anger and achieve inner peace by giving them some psychological exercises.

  For example

  • Deep breathing
  • A soothing sip of cool water.
  • Asking to walk a certain distance.
  • Playing musical instruments.
  • Giving a ball and making it play.
      This will naturally reduce the tension of anger in the child's mind while dealing with some soothing methods.

Inculcation towards the arts. - Arts can calm the human mind. When turning to the arts, the human mind naturally begins to calm down.

  The list of arts goes on like dancing, singing, painting, writing poetry, enjoying music, reading stories.
  Therefore, in order to bring out the children who are suffering from long-term stress, we can help them to find some aspect that the child is inclined towards and show involvement in that field.

  For example, a child who is under pressure may turn his attention to painting a child in a river who paints well. For this you can get the necessary equipment for painting. Organize a small art exhibition at the class level and create an opportunity to display the paintings of the particular child. Promotional gifts can be given.Also take it a step further and promote the child's painting through social media or electronic media. While standing behind the child in this way and providing stimulation, the child's mind naturally gravitates towards the arts and enters normal life in a stress-free state of mind. It is the best way to help children who are going through major psychological crises to recover from them.

Teaching to appreciate nature.
  Teaching children to enjoy nature is a great solution to face the small crises of daily life. Immersing yourself in the beauty of nature and visualizing natural scenes can be a great way to deal with stress.

  Nadal's spy companion
Children who are experiencing severe psychological distress without normal distress and experiencing massive distress will definitely need the help of a mental health professional. Sometimes psychological therapy may also be offered. Such children are difficult to handle easily. By providing them with long-term psychological treatment and psychological support, they can gradually be brought back from that condition.

Thus, it is necessary for adults to deal with the tensions in children's minds with great care and patience. Children today are constantly under pressure and there are occasions when they may take wrong decisions in their lives or get drawn towards criminal activities.

So to avoid this situation let's understand children's mind deeply. As adults, we must try to normalize the stress in their lives

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